Another very requested post, is all about contouring, now I've blogged about contouring a few times before, leaning more towards the products I use, and they are still to date my most viewed posts, with growing views every single day, so I thought I'd do another post on contouring but lean more towards the rules, because you can look at all the charts people make on the internet, but the truth is everybody has a different shape face and not all people want to define the same things, and highlight the same parts of their faces so much.

For example, I did my sisters make up on Saturday evening, and of course I got my contouring kit out, but I wasn't following no chart. The charts you see on the internet, let them tell you where to apply the make up, but don't let them control how much you apply, for example if you have a larger forehead that you don't necessarily want to highlight, you want the tiniest bit of light concealer in the lower middle, but you want to contour with a darker shade a larger majority of the forehead to create a smaller illusion, and vise versa with smaller foreheads, apply less contour and more concealer, the same works with noses, chins, etc. Any parts of your face that you think are large, create your own middle, apply the light concealer only to even out the look then apply more of the darker shade to create the smaller effect.

Contouring the nose is always a tricky step, some people feel fine with their nose but don't really want to enhance it, and others either think there nose is too big or too small and want to use contouring as a way to change their nose. I would always say that you should always contour your nose just to put some colour into the middle of your face, because you have an eye each side with a pale under-eye highlight, you need some colour in the middle regardless. My advice would be to apply contour to the sides of your nose, and a highlight down the middle, and keep blending until you are happy with the way it all looks, whether that involves adding more light or dark shades. It really is trial and error, but the tip is just blend blend blend!

So this is my beeeeeautiful sister, and as you can see her contour is very subtle. I believe in everything in portion, so while the flash downplays it a little bit, her eyes were quite dark and very heavy, so a major contour was not necessary. I made the main part of the contour focusing on her cheekbones, she had her hair slicked back so I really wanted to focus on her cheekbones, and defining that line more then anything. However, you can also see there is a bit of colour blended into her nose just to even out the under eye highlight on each sides, but nothing that really changed the shape of her nose. I also lined her jawline with a darker colour to define her jawline, creating a shadow, I did the same under her lips to create a more fuller appearance from the illusion of a shadow underneath.

So, there you go, contouring isn't always about sticking to the rules, it is about what works for you, whether its the shape of your features, or the look you are going for. Any more questions, you can contact me at Thank you for all your emails whether its questions or blog post requests I'll always find the time to get back to you all.


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